What we think

The Leading Edge Blog

How clear is your plan?

Uncertainty accentuates the need for a clear plan

Just when we’d started to get used to working in lockdown, the Covid-19 landscape shifts
Wild ocean image

Coming out of the storm as individuals and teams

These past couple of weeks, I’ve had some great conversations with clients around emerging from

Communication with clarity .. and receiver responsibility

Collective anticipation for the Ministerial update on Sunday evening was high.  65 million of us

Remote working success… beyond the Zoom competence

Remote working success is about more than just learning to mute mics and draw cats
Too Busy Billbaord

Beyond growth mindset… the risk of information overload

On my usual early morning scroll through Twitter, my eye was caught by a simple

Lending a virtual hand to clients

I was so touched to receive some wonderful feedback from our client Jaguar Land Rover

The many new paradoxes facing leaders today

Life as we know it is temporarily on hold as the coronavirus pandemic calls for

Socially distant, emotionally close

Last week, we held our regular (virtual) Town Hall meeting to catch up with Team

Remote working – don’t get stuck at a desk

Many of us are very used to remote working, and it’s formed part of our

Leadership in uncertainty. Any map will do.

We are all living through an unprecedented global experience.  The global pandemic COVID-19, has shifted

The view from the train carriage…

I got very excited by a film that Fletch recommended to us all this week…

The language of leadership…notes on the Foundation for Leadership through Sport conference

The Future Leadership in Sport Conference hosted at Twickenham Stadium on Friday had it’s usual
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