What we think

The Leading Edge Blog

As the year turns..

Amongst the merriment and celebrations, as the last of the turkey is consumed and the

The Purpose of Purpose

One of the best parts of being in a consultancy based business is the opportunity

Rugby, VW and Leadership Responsiblity

Even if you don’t ‘do’ rugby… you can’t fail to have heard, seen, or felt

Facebooks billion users and the pace of change

Facebook announced the milestone of being used by one billion users in a day on

Who is responsible for FIFAs culture and leadership?

The last 48 hours has seen social media and news channels outraged at the latest

What Zuckerberg stole from me

Mark Zuckerberg made headlines yesterday with his keynote Town Hall speech at the latest Facebook

Is there really nothing new in engagement?

This week were delighted to be invited to chair the CIPD Employee Engagement Conference in

15 days into 2015… Hows your resolution?

Was it really only two weeks ago that we heralded in 2015 with good intentions,

Moments of Pause

Monday was our fourth and final Team Day of 2014, and we took the opportunity

Improving performance: Elite sports lessons for business… and vice versa

When it comes to teamwork, elite sports professionals are at the top of the tree.

Performing under pressure: Coaching highly effective teams in elite sports and global corporations

Walking down the player’s tunnel at Leicester Tigers’ Welford Road stadium a couple of weeks

Engagement trumps everything. If you get engagement right, the profit chain will follow

Seeing the passion and enthusiasm of the delegates at the 2014 Oxford Summer School Foundation
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