What we think

The Leading Edge Blog

Getting the most out of your holiday

This weekend I started packing for our holiday, which if I’m honest is not my

Doctor Who #13 and Transition Theory… no, not an episode title

So Doctor Who is female.  And the twittersphere is having a meltdown.  For every tweet

Does goal setting actually restrict us? 

It’s long been the perceived wisdom that whether in business, sport or in life we

Knowing that it matters

What a great weekend of Rugby for England! The senior squad gave another outstanding performance

Millennials in the workplace need something different … Truth or Myth?

We keep hearing these words, or a variation on them, that with the growing proportion

What a Difference a Word Can Make!

Last week I participated in a BPS Communication Skill webinar.  As I reflected on my

Mental Health Awareness – This Week and Every Week

There’s an unprecedented amount of good thinking, sharing and conversations happening right now across Twitter,

Michaela’s Marathon: Commitment, grim determination & not focussing on the scoreboard

Last Sunday I was one of 40,000 people who completed the Virgin London Marathon.  I

Upside Down Leadership and Timpson’s Success

A recent series of solo car journeys has seen me turn to podcasts for entertainment

Excited by your work….the exception or the norm?

My daughter rang me yesterday bubbling over with excitement after an amazing interview for her

To be or not to be?  The authenticity debate…

Catching up on the Sunday papers from a couple of weeks ago, my attention was

Ruck Law and the Impact of Disruption

So all of us who follow rugby have learnt something about the “Ruck Law” in
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