What we think

The Leading Edge Blog

Understanding culture is impossible from an ivory tower

My conversations over the last couple of weeks have often had ‘culture’ running through them. 

High Performance without Leadership? Not even a thing

Simon Sinek was asked in a recent Webcast (Servant leadership in the 21st Century) ‘what

Doing what we say .. curiosity about us as a team

For most of the day tomorrow, LE Towers phones will divert to voicemail and the

Good deeds – good days

I’ve been reflecting recently about the support Leading Edge have given to Warwickshire-based charity Helping

Posters and artifacts.. the hidden messages that can undermine change

Take a look around your business, head office or workplace… a real look… what’s on

Be more Alex… How to be spotted for your potential

The unexpected star of Glastonbury this year was Alex Mann.  The lad from the crowd

Legacy… the higher purpose ‘Why?’ that inspires

A number of conversations this week have involved the concept of Legacy.. funny how that

Picking a leader

As the Tory leadership contest continues, with the 11 potentials whittled down to 5.. I’ve

Assumptions and perceptions of Ruiz … the risk of bias

Arguably the sporting shock of the weekend (if not in boxing history) was the knockout

Revolving door managers and overcoming resistance to change

This is the last in a the series of of blogs relating to change, more

First Steps to Change… making it easy

In my last blog regarding Dannemillar’s change equation I described vision and the need for

Encouraging others to paint themselves into your Vision

Creating a situation where people feel compelled to align to a vision is often a
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